Human Resources
Basic Approach Toward Utilization of Diverse Human Capital
In 2003, we established the Teijin Group Basic Human Resources Policy, which calls for the implementation of our corporate philosophy of "Empowering our People" and improving our employees' quality of life.
We strive to maintain a healthy work environment that prevents the occurrence of discrimination or harassment based on race, skin color, ethnicity, nationality, language, ideology or beliefs, religion, gender, family or social origin, wealth, or other factors. Furthermore, we respect the individuality and diverse values of our employees, support skills and career development for individual employees, and aim to achieve harmony between employees' careers and personal lives. We also aim to maintain a comfortable working environment and introduce improvements, and support employees in fulfilling their potential.
Teijin Group Basic Human Resources Policy
Goals of human resources management
- Fulfill the corporate philosophy of "Empowering Our People"
- Realize continuous improvements in employees' productivity and enhance their quality of life
Basic measures
- 1.Take all possible measures to secure employment based on company-wide efforts to improve corporate performance and employees' efforts to increase productivity
- 2.Base the treatment of employees on work duties, achievements, capabilities, and conduct while pursuing transparency, fairness and understanding
- 3.Actively support the development of employees' capabilities
- 4.Ensure that the right people are put in the right place
- 5.Evaluate employee performance based on objective facts (and use as tool for determining treatment and skills development)
- 6.Respect for diversity
Promotion of Female Employee Advancement
Since April 2003, the Teijin Group has implemented activities that promote the advancement of female employees. Within the Teijin Frontier Group, these activities are spearheaded by the Female Employee Advancement Committee and conducted in the context of the Corporate Climate Reform Project. Teijin Limited changed the name of its Female Employee Advancement Office to the Diversity Development Office in April 2007, and Teijin Frontier Co., Ltd. concurrently renamed its Female Employee Advancement Committee to the Diversity Development Committee, and further expanded its mission to realize a corporate culture in which women, as well as a wide range of other human resources, can function.
In June 2022, we were selected by the city of Osaka as a 3-star certified company of the "Leading Company with Actively Participating Women in Osaka City" for its ambitious attitude and activities to promote women’s participation in society.
In addition, in October 2023, we were evaluated and obtained as “Eruboshi Certification (Level 2)” by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
The Eruboshi Certification is based on “the Act on Promotion of Female Participation and Advancement in the Workplace” and is awarded to companies that meet certain standards and have excellent conditions for empowering women in the workplace.
Pursuit of Optimal Work-Life Balance
In response to diversifying work perceptions among employees and CRS demands, the Teijin Group makes every effort to support activities that establish a work-life balance, thus enabling employees to engage in work duties while feeling a sense of fulfilment, achievement, and happiness.
In February 2008, Teijin Frontier Co., Ltd. received the Next-Generation Education Support Certification (Kurumin Mark) from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The certification is awarded to companies that actively promote child care support in accordance with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.
In addition, we have set up nursing-care leave and shortened working hour programs to ensure motivated employees with nursing care responsibilities do not have to resign.
Harmonious Relationships with Locally Employed Personnel
The Teijin Frontier Group operates its businesses globally through subsidiaries in eight countries and regions and overseas representative offices in six countries and regions. Its overseas representative offices and overseas subsidiaries employ local personnel, respect the culture and environments of the relevant countries and regions, and strive to achieve harmonious and mutually prosperous relationships with local communities.